Shark RV1000AE vs. RV1001AE: A Comprehensive Comparison

If you are looking for a robot vacuum cleaner that can self-empty, you may want to consider the Shark IQ series. These vacuums have a self-empty base that can hold up to 30 days of dirt and debris, so you don’t have to worry about emptying the bin frequently.

We will compare two popular models: the Shark IQ RV1000AE and the Shark IQ RV1001AE.

Common Features: Shark RV1000AE vs. RV1001AE

The Shark IQ RV1000AE and the Shark IQ RV1001AE are very similar in many aspects. They both have a self-cleaning brushroll that can handle pet hair and long hair without tangling. They have smart navigation and mapping that can learn the layout of your home and clean room by room.

They consist of a Wi-Fi connectivity and voice control that allow you to control them with your smartphone or voice assistant. They have a powerful suction that can pick up large debris and fine dust on hard floors and carpets.

Key Differences: Shark RV1000AE vs. RV1001AE

However, there are also some differences between them that may affect your decision. Here are some of the main differences:

HEPA filter

The Shark IQ RV1001AE has a HEPA filter, while the Shark IQ RV1000 does not. A HEPA filter can capture 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns, which is beneficial for people with allergies or asthma.

No-go zones

The Shark IQ RV1001AE supports no-go zones, whereas the Shark IQ RV1000 does not.

No-go zones are areas that you can set on the app to prevent the vacuum from entering, such as pet bowls, cords, or fragile items.

Washable Filters

The Shark IQ RV1001AE has included washable filters, though the Shark IQ RV1000 does not.

Washable filters can save you money and hassle in the long run, as you don’t have to buy replacement filters frequently.

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The Shark IQ RV1001AE can mop, but the Shark IQ RV1000 cannot.

The Shark IQ RV1001AE comes with a mopping pad and a water tank that can wet-clean your hard floors after vacuuming.

Height Adjustment

The Shark IQ RV1001AE automatically adjusts its height, while the Shark IQ RV1000 does not. The Shark IQ RV1001AE can adapt to different floor types and transitions without losing suction or getting stuck.


The Shark IQ RV1001AE has a smaller dustbin than the Shark IQ RV1000 (0.6 liters vs 0.75 liters). This may not be a big issue, as both vacuums can self-empty into the base, but it may affect how often you need to empty the base.

Power Consumption

The Shark IQ RV1001AE has a higher power consumption than the Shark IQ RV1000 (58 watts vs. 35 watts). It affects your electricity bill slightly, but it may also indicate a stronger suction power.

Charge Time

The Shark IQ RV1001AE has a shorter charge time than the Shark IQ RV1000 (4 hours vs. 5 hours). The Shark IQ RV1001AE can resume cleaning faster if it runs out of battery in the middle of a cleaning cycle.

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In the comparison between Shark IQ RV1000AE and Shark IQ RV1001AE, both offer impressive self-emptying capabilities and similar core features.

However, the RV1001AE stands out with a HEPA filter, no-go zone support, washable filters, mopping capabilities, auto-height adjustment, and quicker charge times. While the RV1000AE has a larger dustbin and lower power consumption, the RV1001AE’s additional functionalities cater to diverse needs, ensuring a more tailored cleaning experience.

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